Kamis, 17 November 2016

Hacker Retas Situs Resmi Donald Trump

Salah satu situs dari Presiden Amerika Serikat yang baru dilantik, Donald Trump baru saja diretas oleh sekelompok peretas dengan nama PhantomGhost.

 Sekelompok peretas PhantomGhost yang meretas situs http://trumpshow.info/ juga meninggalkan pesan yaitu :

Greetings World, We are Anonymous.
Message to Donald Trump, and our world leaders,
How many more wars? How many more people have to die? Enough is enough, these strategic war games need to cease! This isn’t a game and there are no winners, your proxy wars are over, end this now! If you fail to heed this message a third world war is inevitable. Millions will die and every single one of their deaths will be by your incompetence as so called “leaders”.
This is a call to every peace seeker, to every valuer of truth & honesty, to every being of unity and progress. You are the ones that must stand together and rise in the face of conflict. We can stand united and show that we will not allow ourselves to be used as pawns in a never ending game of lies and adversity. The future of this species relies on the choices we make right now. The outcome of our actions will have a lasting impact on generations to come. Do not come to regret the future you created for your children and their children. This is your opportunity to make a difference and put peace above self-interests, to change and redesign the status quo. This is your chance to create something truly magnificent!
We are Anonymous, We are Legion, We do not forgive, We do not forget, Expect us.
Hacked by 4prili666h05T

4prili666h05T - Mr.3RR0R - ./Mr.greetz69 - Alfarizi_404 - CCOCOT - ./Mr.AdsJr404 - 0x1958
Mr.Aljabar - Alternation - Exect1337 - AL-VRI - MR.WWW - BabyGhost - gekikara404 - ML7C

Peretasan tersebut dilakukan oleh sekelompok team peretas PhantomGhost dengan menambahkan tagar #OperationDonaldTrump, yang berarti sebuah penolakan terhadap presiden baru Amerika Serikat yaitu Donald Trump, dengan latarbelakang suara Sing Me To Sleep - Alan Walker. Tidak ada kontak yang ditinggalkan oleh peretas situs tersebut.

Hingga informasi ini dibuat, tidak ada perbaikan yang dilakukan dari situs yang diretas.

Kalian dapat melihat situs yang diretas di : http://trumpshow.info/
                                       atau di situs mirror : http://zone-h.org/mirror/id/27179765

1 komentar:

  1. Don't enter that site, it contain something that maybe you don't like
